community groups
Check out the groups listed on this page and feel free to get in
touch with the leader for more information and directions.

Wall Community Group
Leader: Daniel and Nicole Wall
When: Sundays 12:30 pm
Location: Varies Weekly
Who: Singles, couples, and families welcome. Come join us for snacks, prayer, fellowship, and discussion. Let's do life together.
Contact: Daniel@dayspringcc.net

seasoned saints
Leader: Kirk Givens
When: Wednesdays at 3:00 pm
Location: Dayspring Community Church
Who: A group for adults ages 50+. We meet and weekly and typically are spending time studying a book of the Bible.
Contact: kirk@dayspringcc.net
Kosechequetah Community Group
Leader: Mark and Sarah Kosechequetah
When: Sundays at 5:00 pm
Location: Dayspring Reception Room
Who: Singles, couples, and families welcome. Come join us for snacks, prayer, fellowship, and discussion. Let's do life together.
Contact: kosechequetah@me.com

Holcomb Community group
Leader: Will Holcomb
When: Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Location: 3608 NE Richmond
Who: "Take back your family" book study
Contact: wholcomb51@outlook.com

O'Bourke community group
Leader: Phil O'Bourke
When: Sundays at 6:00pm
Location: Dayspring Multi-Purpose Room
Who: Adults of all ages, kids are welcome. Join us for Bible study, snacks, and fellowship.
Contact: songo84@hotmail.com

Shortes community group
Leader: Marcus Shortes
When: Sundays at 5:00pm
Location: 2309 SW 44th, Lawton
Who: Singles, Couples, Families, and kids are welcome. Join us for Bible study, snacks, and fellowship.
Contact: annette.elizabeth4@gmail.com